Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A few choice words

Sedona's been at it again with her bizarre sense of humor. She made up a new verse of "On Top of Spaghetti" that was about her "persuading her meatball" to come back on her plate. Wondering if she even knew what "persuade" means I asked her. She gave a perfectly reasonable answer: it's when you try to talk your meatball into coming back on your plate.

Later tonight I was entertaining the kids with the "when I was a kid" old man comments (taken originally from SNL). Sedona's were much better than mine. Picture her saying them in a fake old-man voice and her serious-acting face:
- "When I was a kid we didn't have fancy pants and clothes. We were just naked. And we liked it."
- "When I was a kid we didn't have doors. We couldn't open anything. But we liked it."